author Dmitriy Morozov <dmitriy@mrzv.org>
Mon, 12 Jan 2009 15:33:04 -0800
changeset 109 75eb7a4628f2
parent 42 07510f86b517
permissions -rw-r--r--
Debugged ZigzagPersistence (having added heavier consistency checking) * Added DEBUG_CONTAINERS option (uses std::__debug::* containers for chains and in ZigzagPersistence) * Added SizeStorage specialization for std::deque<T> * ZigzagPersistence got a lot more consistency checking (in debug mode only, which now crawls); as a result it's been debugged (running on non-trivial examples) * examples/rips/rips-zigzag takes command-line options * added ChainWrapper::clear() * added Simplex::VertexDimensionComparison * added PairwiseDistances class (for computing distances between points in a container according to a distance functor)

 * Author: Dmitriy Morozov
 * Department of Computer Science, Duke University, 2005 -- 2008

#ifndef __GRID2DVINEYARD_H__
#define __GRID2DVINEYARD_H__

#include "grid2D.h"
#include "topology/lowerstarfiltration.h"

#include <CGAL/Kinetic/Inexact_simulation_traits.h>
#include <CGAL/Kinetic/Sort.h>
#include <CGAL/Kinetic/Sort_visitor_base.h>

#include <vector>

class Grid2DVineyard
		typedef					Grid2DVineyard										Self;
		typedef					Grid2D::CoordinateIndex								CoordinateIndex;
		typedef					Grid2D::ValueType									ValueType;

		class					KineticVertexType;
		typedef					std::vector<KineticVertexType>						VertexVector;
		typedef					VertexVector::iterator								VertexIndex;
		typedef					LowerStarFiltration<VertexIndex>					LSFiltration; 
		class					StaticEvaluator;
		class					KineticEvaluator;
		class 					VertexComparison;
		typedef					LSFiltration::Index									Index;
		typedef					LSFiltration::Simplex								Simplex;
		typedef					LSFiltration::VertexOrderIndex						VertexOrderIndex;
		typedef					LSFiltration::VertexType<CoordinateIndex>			LSVertexType;

		typedef					LSFiltration::Vineyard								Vineyard;
		typedef					Vineyard::Evaluator									Evaluator;

		class					SortVisitor;
		typedef 				CGAL::Kinetic::Inexact_simulation_traits 			Traits;
		typedef					CGAL::Kinetic::Sort<Traits, SortVisitor>			Sort;
		typedef 				Traits::Simulator 									Simulator;
		typedef 				Traits::Active_points_1_table						ActivePointsTable;
		typedef 				ActivePointsTable::Key								Key;
		typedef					std::map<Key, VertexOrderIndex>						KeyOrderMap;

		typedef					std::vector<Grid2D*>								GridStackContainer;

								Grid2DVineyard(Grid2D* g);

		void					compute_pairing();
		void					compute_vineyard(Grid2D* grid, bool explicit_events = false);
		Grid2D*					grid() const										{ return grid_stack_.back(); }
		Grid2D*					grid(int i) const									{ return grid_stack_[i]; }
		int						num_grids() const									{ return grid_stack_.size(); }
		const LSFiltration*		filtration() const									{ return filtration_; }
		const Vineyard*			vineyard() const									{ return vineyard_; }

		// For Kinetic Sort
		void 					swap(Key a, Key b);
		// Do something cleverer
		virtual bool			neighbors(VertexIndex v1, VertexIndex v2) const		{ return true; }
		void 					add_simplices();
		void					change_evaluator(Evaluator* eval);

		GridStackContainer		grid_stack_;
		VertexVector			vertices_;
		LSFiltration*			filtration_;
		Vineyard*				vineyard_;
		Evaluator*				evaluator_;

		KeyOrderMap				kinetic_map_;
#if 0
		// Serialization
		friend class boost::serialization::access;
		Grid2DVineyard() 																	{}

		template<class Archive> 
		void serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )
			ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(grid_stack_); 
			ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(vertices_); 
			ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(filtration_); 

class Grid2DVineyard::KineticVertexType: public LSVertexType
		typedef					LSVertexType												Parent;
		Key						kinetic_key() const											{ return key_; }
		void					set_kinetic_key(Key k)										{ key_ = k; }
		Key						key_;

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const Grid2DVineyard::VertexIndex& vi)			{ return out << vi->index(); }

class Grid2DVineyard::VertexComparison
		VertexComparison(const Grid2D* g): grid(g)											{}
		bool operator()(VertexIndex i, VertexIndex j) const									{ return (*grid)(i->index()) < 
																									 (*grid)(j->index()); }

		const Grid2D*			grid;

#if 0
		// Serialization
		friend class boost::serialization::access;

								VertexComparison()											{}

		template<class Archive>
		void 					serialize(Archive& ar, version_type )						{ ar & BOOST_SERIALIZATION_NVP(grid); }

class Grid2DVineyard::StaticEvaluator: public Evaluator
								StaticEvaluator(Grid2D* grid, RealType time): 
									time_(time), grid_(grid)								{}

		virtual RealType		time()														{ return time_; }
		virtual RealType		value(const Simplex& s)										{ return (*grid_)(s.get_attachment()->index()); }
		RealType				time_;
		Grid2D*					grid_;

class Grid2DVineyard::KineticEvaluator: public Evaluator
								KineticEvaluator(Simulator::Handle sp, ActivePointsTable::Handle apt, RealType time_offset): 
									sp_(sp), apt_(apt), time_offset_(time_offset)			{}

		virtual RealType		time()														{ return time_offset_ + CGAL::to_double(get_time()); }
		virtual RealType		value(const Simplex& s)										{ return CGAL::to_double(apt_->at(s.get_attachment()->kinetic_key()).x()(get_time())); }

		Simulator::Time			get_time()													{ return sp_->current_time(); }
		Simulator::Handle			sp_;
		ActivePointsTable::Handle 	apt_;
		RealType					time_offset_;

class Grid2DVineyard::SortVisitor: public CGAL::Kinetic::Sort_visitor_base
								SortVisitor(Grid2DVineyard* gv): gv_(gv)					{}

		template<class Vertex_handle>
		void					before_swap(Vertex_handle a, Vertex_handle b) const			{ gv_->swap(*a,*b); }

		Grid2DVineyard*			gv_;

#include "grid2Dvineyard.hpp"

#endif // __GRID2DVINEYARD_H__