Debugged ZigzagPersistence (having added heavier consistency checking) dev
authorDmitriy Morozov <>
Mon, 12 Jan 2009 15:33:04 -0800
changeset 109 75eb7a4628f2
parent 108 e096f8892a04
child 110 430d9e71e921
Debugged ZigzagPersistence (having added heavier consistency checking) * Added DEBUG_CONTAINERS option (uses std::__debug::* containers for chains and in ZigzagPersistence) * Added SizeStorage specialization for std::deque<T> * ZigzagPersistence got a lot more consistency checking (in debug mode only, which now crawls); as a result it's been debugged (running on non-trivial examples) * examples/rips/rips-zigzag takes command-line options * added ChainWrapper::clear() * added Simplex::VertexDimensionComparison * added PairwiseDistances class (for computing distances between points in a container according to a distance functor)
--- a/examples/rips/CMakeLists.txt	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/examples/rips/CMakeLists.txt	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -4,5 +4,5 @@
 foreach                     (t ${targets})
     add_executable          (${t} ${t}.cpp)
-    target_link_libraries   (${t} ${libraries})
+    target_link_libraries   (${t} ${libraries} ${Boost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY})
 endforeach                  (t ${targets})
--- a/examples/rips/rips-zigzag.cpp	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/examples/rips/rips-zigzag.cpp	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -6,34 +6,53 @@
 #include <utilities/log.h>
 #include <map>
-struct Distances
-    typedef         int             IndexType;
-    typedef         double          DistanceType;
+#include <cmath>
+#include <fstream>
-    DistanceType    operator()(IndexType a, IndexType b) const      { return std::abs(a - b); }
-    size_t          size() const                                    { return 10; }
-    IndexType       begin() const                                   { return 0; }
-    IndexType       end() const                                     { return size(); }
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
-typedef     Distances::IndexType                                    Vertex;
+#ifdef COUNTERS
+static Counter*  cComplexSize =                     GetCounter("rips/size");
+static Counter*  cOperations =                      GetCounter("rips/operations");
+#endif // COUNTERS
+typedef     std::vector<double>                                     Point;
+typedef     std::vector<Point>                                      PointContainer;
+struct L2Distance
+    typedef     double                                              value_type;
+    value_type  operator()(const Point& p1, const Point& p2) const
+    {
+        AssertMsg(p1.size() == p2.size(), "Points must be in the same dimension (in L2Distance");
+        value_type sum = 0;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < p1.size(); ++i)
+            sum += (p1[i] - p2[i])*(p1[i] - p2[i]);
+        return sqrt(sum);
+    }
+typedef     PairwiseDistances<PointContainer, L2Distance>           PairDistances;
+typedef     PairDistances::DistanceType                             DistanceType;
+typedef     PairDistances::IndexType                                Vertex;
 typedef     Simplex<Vertex>                                         Smplx;
-typedef     ZigzagPersistence<unsigned>                             Zigzag;
+typedef     RipsBase<PairDistances, Smplx>                          RipsHelper;
+typedef     RipsHelper::Evaluator                                   SimplexEvaluator;
+typedef     std::pair<DistanceType, Dimension>                      BirthInfo;
+typedef     ZigzagPersistence<BirthInfo>                            Zigzag;
 typedef     Zigzag::SimplexIndex                                    Index;
-typedef     std::map<Smplx, Index, Smplx::VertexComparison>         Complex;
+typedef     std::map<Smplx, Index, 
+                            Smplx::VertexDimensionComparison>       Complex;
 typedef     Zigzag::ZColumn                                         Boundary;
-typedef     RipsBase<Distances, Smplx>                              RipsHelper;
-typedef     RipsHelper::Evaluator                                   SimplexEvaluator;
 void        make_boundary(const Smplx& s, Complex& c, const Zigzag& zz, Boundary& b)
+    Dimension bdry_dim = s.dimension() - 1;
     for (Smplx::BoundaryIterator cur = s.boundary_begin(); cur != s.boundary_end(); ++cur)
         b.append(c[*cur], zz.cmp);
@@ -42,40 +61,110 @@
         rDebug("    %d", (*cur)->order);
+std::ostream&   operator<<(std::ostream& out, const BirthInfo& bi)
+{ return (out << bi.first); }
+namespace po = boost::program_options;
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
 #ifdef LOGGING
 	rlog::RLogInit(argc, argv);
-	stderrLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("error") );
-	stderrLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("info") );
-	stderrLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("debug") );
-	//stderrLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("topology/persistence") );
+	stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("error") );
+    SetFrequency(cOperations, 500);
+    SetTrigger(cOperations, cComplexSize);
+    unsigned        ambient_dimension;
+    unsigned        skeleton_dimension;
+    float           multiplier;
+    std::string     infilename;
+    po::options_description hidden("Hidden options");
+    hidden.add_options()
+        ("input-file",          po::value<std::string>(&infilename),        "Point set whose Rips zigzag we want to compute");
+    po::options_description visible("Allowed options", 100);
+    visible.add_options()
+        ("help,h",                                                                              "produce help message")
+        ("ambient-dimsnion,a",  po::value<unsigned>(&ambient_dimension)->default_value(3),      "The ambient dimension of the point set")
+        ("skeleton-dimsnion,s", po::value<unsigned>(&skeleton_dimension)->default_value(2),     "Dimension of the Rips complex we want to compute")
+        ("multiplier,m",        po::value<float>(&multiplier)->default_value(4),                "Multiplier for the epsilon (distance to next maxmin point) when computing the Rips complex");
+    std::vector<std::string>    log_channels;
+    visible.add_options()
+        ("log,l",               po::value< std::vector<std::string> >(&log_channels),   "log channels to turn on (info, debug, etc)");
-    Distances distances;
+    po::positional_options_description pos;
+    pos.add("input-file", 1);
+    po::options_description all; all.add(visible).add(hidden);
+    po::variables_map vm;
+    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
+                  options(all).positional(pos).run(), vm);
+    po::notify(vm);
+    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator cur = log_channels.begin(); cur != log_channels.end(); ++cur)
+        stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL(cur->c_str()) );
+	/* Interesting channels
+     * "info", "debug", "topology/persistence"
+     */
+    if (vm.count("help") || !vm.count("input-file"))
+    { 
+        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] input-file" << std::endl;
+        std::cout << visible << std::endl; 
+        return 1; 
+    }
+    // Read in points
+    std::ifstream in(infilename.c_str());
+    PointContainer      points;
+    while(in)
+    {
+        points.push_back(Point());
+        for (unsigned i = 0; i < ambient_dimension; ++i)
+        {
+            DistanceType    x;
+            in >> x;
+            points.back().push_back(x);
+        }
+    }
+    // Create pairwise distances
+    PairDistances distances(points);
     // Order vertices and epsilons
     typedef     std::vector<Vertex>                                 VertexVector;
-    typedef     std::vector<Distances::DistanceType>                EpsilonVector;
+    typedef     std::vector<DistanceType>                           EpsilonVector;
     VertexVector        vertices;
     EpsilonVector       epsilons;
-    EpsilonVector       closest(distances.size(), Infinity);
-    vertices.push_back(0);
-    while (vertices.size() < distances.size())
-        for (Distances::IndexType v = distances.begin(); v != distances.end(); ++v)
-            closest[v] = std::min(closest[v], distances(v, vertices.back()));
-        EpsilonVector::const_iterator max = std::max_element(closest.begin(), closest.end());
-        vertices.push_back(max - closest.begin());
-        epsilons.push_back(*max);
+        EpsilonVector   dist(distances.size(), Infinity);
+        vertices.push_back(distances.begin());
+        while (vertices.size() < distances.size())
+        {
+            for (Vertex v = distances.begin(); v != distances.end(); ++v)
+                dist[v] = std::min(dist[v], distances(v, vertices.back()));
+            EpsilonVector::const_iterator max = std::max_element(dist.begin(), dist.end());
+            vertices.push_back(max - dist.begin());
+            epsilons.push_back(*max);
+        }
-    std::cout << "Point and epsilon ordering:" << std::endl;
+    rInfo("Point and epsilon ordering:");
     for (unsigned i = 0; i < vertices.size(); ++i)
-        std::cout << "  " << vertices[i] << " " << epsilons[i] << std::endl;
+        rInfo("  %d %f", vertices[i], epsilons[i]);
     // Construct zigzag
@@ -92,7 +181,10 @@
         // Add a point
         Smplx sv; sv.add(vertices[i]);
         rDebug("Added  %s", tostring(sv).c_str());
-        complex.insert(std::make_pair(sv, zz.add(Boundary(), i).first));
+        complex.insert(std::make_pair(sv, zz.add(Boundary(), std::make_pair(epsilons[i], 0)).first));
+        CountNum(cComplexSize, 0);
+        Count(cComplexSize);
+        Count(cOperations);
         if (!zz.check_consistency())
@@ -100,58 +192,67 @@
         for (Complex::iterator si = complex.begin(); si != complex.end(); ++si)
-            if (si->first.contains(sv))      continue;
-            rInfo("  Distance between %s and %s: %f", 
+            if (si->first.contains(sv))                             continue;
+            if (si->first.dimension() + 1 > skeleton_dimension)     continue;
+            rDebug("  Distance between %s and %s: %f", 
                      aux.distance(si->first, sv));
-            if (aux.distance(si->first, sv) <= epsilons[i-1])
+            if (aux.distance(si->first, sv) <= multiplier*epsilons[i-1])
                 Boundary b;
                 Smplx s(si->first); s.join(sv);
                 rDebug("Adding %s", tostring(s).c_str());
                 make_boundary(s, complex, zz, b);
                 rDebug("Made boundary, %d", b.size());
-                Zigzag::IndexDeathPair idp = zz.add(b, i);
+                Zigzag::IndexDeathPair idp = zz.add(b, std::make_pair(epsilons[i], sv.dimension()));
                 if (!zz.check_consistency())
                     rError("Zigzag representation must be consistent after adding a simplex");
                 complex.insert(std::make_pair(s, idp.first));
+                CountNum(cComplexSize, s.dimension());
+                Count(cComplexSize);
+                Count(cOperations);
                 // Death
-                if (idp.second)     std::cout << *(idp.second) << " " << i << std::endl;
+                if (idp.second)     std::cout << (idp.second)->second << " " << (idp.second)->first << " " << epsilons[i] << std::endl;
         rDebug("Complex after addition:");
-        for (Complex::const_iterator cur = complex.begin(); cur != complex.end(); ++cur)
-            rDebug("  %s", tostring(cur->first).c_str());
+        for (Complex::const_iterator si = complex.begin(); si != complex.end(); ++si)
+            rDebug("    %s", tostring(si->first).c_str());
-        rInfo("Removing simplices");
+        rDebug("Removing simplices");
         // Shrink epsilon
-            Complex::reverse_iterator si = complex.rbegin(); 
+            Complex::reverse_iterator si = complex.rbegin();
             while(si != complex.rend())
-                rInfo("  Size of %s is %f", tostring(si->first).c_str(), size(si->first));
-                if (size(si->first) > epsilons[i])
+                rDebug("  Size of %s is %f", tostring(si->first).c_str(), size(si->first));
+                if (size(si->first) > multiplier*epsilons[i])
-                    rInfo("  Removing: %s", tostring(si->first).c_str());
-                    Zigzag::Death d = zz.remove(si->second, i);
+                    rDebug("  Removing: %s", tostring(si->first).c_str());
+                    Zigzag::Death d = zz.remove(si->second, 
+                                                std::make_pair(epsilons[i], si->first.dimension() - 1));
                     AssertMsg(zz.check_consistency(), "Zigzag representation must be consistent after removing a simplex");
-                    if (d)              std::cout << *d << " " << i << std::endl;
+                    if (d)              std::cout << d->second << " " << d->first << " " << epsilons[i] << std::endl;
+                    CountNumBy(cComplexSize, si->first.dimension(), -1);
+                    CountBy(cComplexSize, -1);
+                    Count(cOperations);
                 } else
-            rDebug("Complex after removal:");
-            for (Complex::const_iterator cur = complex.begin(); cur != complex.end(); ++cur)
-                rDebug("  %s", tostring(cur->first).c_str());
+        rDebug("Complex after removal:");
+        for (Complex::const_iterator si = complex.begin(); si != complex.end(); ++si)
+            rDebug("    %s", tostring(si->first).c_str());
--- a/examples/rips/rips.cpp	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/examples/rips/rips.cpp	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 #include <topology/rips.h>
+// Trivial example of size() points on a line with integer coordinates
 struct Distances
     typedef         int             IndexType;
@@ -24,18 +25,19 @@
     Distances distances;
 #if 0
+    // Storing ExplicitDistances speeds up the computation (at the price of memory)
     typedef         RipsGenerator<ExplicitDistances<Distances> >    RipsGenerator;
     ExplicitDistances<Distances> explicit_distances(distances);
     RipsGenerator rips(explicit_distances);
-    typedef         RipsGeneratorMemory<Distances>                        RipsGenerator;
+    //typedef         RipsGeneratorMemory<Distances>                        RipsGenerator;
+    typedef         RipsGenerator<Distances>                        RipsGenerator;
     RipsGenerator   rips(distances);
     RipsGenerator::SimplexVector complex;
     //rips.generate(complex, 3, distances.size());
     rips.generate(complex, 3, 50);
-    //rips.print();
     std::cout << "Size: " << complex.size() << std::endl;
 //    for (RipsGenerator::SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = complex.begin(); cur != complex.end(); ++cur)
--- a/include/topology/chain.h	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/chain.h	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
         Self&                                   add(const Self& c, const ConsistencyComparison& cmp);
         void                                    swap(ChainWrapper& c);                          ///< Swaps the contents of c and *this (like STL's swap destroys c)
+        void                                    clear();
         template<class ConsistencyComparison>
         void                                    sort(const ConsistencyComparison& cmp);         ///< Sort elements to enforce consistency
@@ -72,7 +73,6 @@
         size_t                                  size() const                                        { return Size::size(*this); }
         using                                   ChainRepresentation::empty;
-        using                                   ChainRepresentation::clear;
         /// @}
         /// \name Modifiers
--- a/include/topology/chain.hpp	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/chain.hpp	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -87,6 +87,15 @@
 template<class C>
+    ChainRepresentation::clear();
+    Size::clear();
+template<class C>
 template<class ConsistencyComparison>
--- a/include/topology/cycles.h	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/cycles.h	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -2,15 +2,25 @@
 #define __CYCLES_H__
 #include "chain.h"
-#include <vector>
-#include <deque>
 #include "utilities/circular_list.h"
+    #include <debug/vector>
+    #include <debug/deque>
+    using std::__debug::vector;
+    using std::__debug::deque;
+    #include <vector>
+    #include <deque>
+    using std::vector;
+    using std::deque;
 template<class OrderIndex_ = int>
 struct VectorChains
     typedef             OrderIndex_                                             OrderIndex;
-    typedef             ChainWrapper<std::vector<OrderIndex> >                  Chain;
+    typedef             ChainWrapper<vector<OrderIndex> >                       Chain;
     typedef             Chain                                                   Cycle;
     Cycle               cycle;
@@ -28,7 +38,7 @@
 struct DequeChains
     typedef             OrderIndex_                                             OrderIndex;
-    typedef             ChainWrapper<std::deque<OrderIndex> >                   Chain;
+    typedef             ChainWrapper<deque<OrderIndex> >                        Chain;
     typedef             Chain                                                   Cycle;
     Cycle               cycle;
--- a/include/topology/rips.h	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/rips.h	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -119,7 +119,8 @@
- * ExplicitDistances stores the pairwise distances of Distances_ instance passed at construction. 
+ * Class: ExplicitDistances 
+ * Stores the pairwise distances of Distances_ instance passed at construction. 
  * It's a protypical Distances template argument for the Rips complex.
 template<class Distances_>
@@ -143,6 +144,39 @@
         size_t                                      size_;
+ * Class: PairwiseDistances
+ * Given a Container_ of points and a Distance_, it computes distances between elements 
+ * in the container (given as instances of Index_ defaulted to unsigned) using the Distance_ functor.
+ *
+ * Container_ is assumed to be an std::vector. That simplifies a number of things.
+ */
+template<class Container_, class Distance_, typename Index_ = unsigned>
+class PairwiseDistances
+    public:
+        typedef             Container_                                      Container;
+        typedef             Distance_                                       Distance;
+        typedef             Index_                                          IndexType;
+        typedef             typename Distance::value_type                   DistanceType;
+                            PairwiseDistances(const Container& container, 
+                                              const Distance& distance = Distance()):
+                                container_(container), distance_(distance)  {}
+        DistanceType        operator()(IndexType a, IndexType b) const      { return distance_(container_[a], container_[b]); }
+        size_t              size() const                                    { return container_.size(); }
+        IndexType           begin() const                                   { return 0; }
+        IndexType           end() const                                     { return size(); }
+    private:
+        const Container&    container_;
+        Distance            distance_;
 #include "rips.hpp"
 #endif // __RIPS_H__
--- a/include/topology/simplex.h	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/simplex.h	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
         /* Classes: Comparisons
          * VertexComparison -           compare simplices based on the lexicographic ordering of their <vertices()>
+         * VertexComparison -           compare simplices based on the lexicographic ordering of their <vertices()> within each dimension
          * DataComparison -             compare simplices based on their <data()>
          * DataDimensionComparison -    compare simplices based on their <data()> within each <dimension()>
@@ -119,6 +120,7 @@
          * DimensionExtractor -         return dimesnion given a simplex
         struct VertexComparison;
+        struct VertexDimensionComparison;
         struct DataComparison;
         struct DataDimensionComparison;
@@ -150,6 +152,22 @@
 template<class V, class T>
+struct Simplex<V,T>::VertexDimensionComparison
+        typedef                 Self                    first_argument_type;
+        typedef                 Self                    second_argument_type;
+        typedef                 bool                    result_type;
+        bool                    operator()(const Self& a, const Self& b) const       
+        { 
+            if (a.dimension() == b.dimension())
+                return a.vertices() < b.vertices();
+            else
+                return a.dimension() < b.dimension();
+        }
+template<class V, class T>
 struct Simplex<V,T>::DataComparison
         typedef                 Self                    first_argument_type;
--- a/include/topology/zigzag-persistence.h	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/zigzag-persistence.h	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
-#include <list>
 #include "cycles.h"
 #include "utilities/types.h"
 #include <sstream>
+    #include <debug/list>
+    using std::__debug::list;
+    #warning "Using debug/list in ZigzagPersistence"
+    #include <list>
+    using std::list;
  * Class: ZigzagPersistence
  * TODO: this should probably be parametrized by Chain or Field
@@ -20,11 +29,11 @@
         struct BNode;
         struct SimplexNode;
-        typedef                         std::list<ZNode>                                ZList;
+        typedef                         list<ZNode>                                     ZList;
         typedef                         typename ZList::iterator                        ZIndex;
-        typedef                         std::list<BNode>                                BList;
+        typedef                         list<BNode>                                     BList;
         typedef                         typename BList::iterator                        BIndex;
-        typedef                         std::list<SimplexNode>                          SimplexList;
+        typedef                         list<SimplexNode>                               SimplexList;
         typedef                         typename SimplexList::iterator                  SimplexIndex;
         // TODO: should all chains be DequeChains? probably not
@@ -70,6 +79,9 @@
             ZRow                        z_row;
             CRow                        c_row;
             ZIndex                      low;            // which ZColumn has this SimplexNode as low
+#if !NDEBUG
+            ZColumn                     boundary;       // NB: debug only
         // Constructor: ZigzagPersistence()
@@ -83,7 +95,8 @@
         // Debug; non-const because Indices are iterators, and not const_iterators 
         void                            show_all();
-        bool                            check_consistency();
+        bool                            check_consistency(SimplexIndex s_skip, ZIndex z_skip, BIndex b_skip);
+        bool                            check_consistency()                             { return check_consistency(s_list.end(), z_list.end(), b_list.end()); }
         ZList                           z_list;
--- a/include/topology/zigzag-persistence.hpp	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/zigzag-persistence.hpp	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -2,10 +2,13 @@
 #include <boost/utility.hpp>
 #include <algorithm>
 #include <utilities/indirect.h>
+#include <functional>
 #ifdef LOGGING
-static rlog::RLogChannel* rlZigzagAdd =                   DEF_CHANNEL("topology/persistence/zigzag/add",    rlog::Log_Debug);
-static rlog::RLogChannel* rlZigzagRemove =                DEF_CHANNEL("topology/persistence/zigzag/remove", rlog::Log_Debug);
+static rlog::RLogChannel* rlZigzagAdd =                   DEF_CHANNEL("topology/persistence/zigzag/add",        rlog::Log_Debug);
+static rlog::RLogChannel* rlZigzagRemove =                DEF_CHANNEL("topology/persistence/zigzag/remove",     rlog::Log_Debug);
+static rlog::RLogChannel* rlZigzagAddChain =              DEF_CHANNEL("topology/persistence/zigzag/addchain",   rlog::Log_Debug);
+static rlog::RLogChannel* rlZigzagCheckConsistency=       DEF_CHANNEL("topology/persistence/zigzag/check",      rlog::Log_Debug);
 #endif // LOGGING
@@ -17,6 +20,7 @@
     rLog(rlZigzagAdd,       "Entered ZigzagPersistence::add()");
     rLog(rlZigzagAdd,       "  Boundary: %s", bdry.tostring(out).c_str());
     rLog(rlZigzagAdd,       "  Boundary size: %d", bdry.size());
+    AssertMsg(check_consistency(), "Must be consistent before addition");
     {   // scoping to not pollute with the name order
         unsigned order      = s_list.empty() ? 0 : boost::prior(s_list.end())->order + 1;
@@ -24,9 +28,13 @@
     SimplexIndex last_s     = boost::prior(s_list.end());
     last_s->low             = z_list.end();
+#if !NDEBUG
+    last_s->boundary        = bdry;     // NB: debug only    
     rLog(rlZigzagAdd,   "  Reducing among cycles");
     // Reduce bdry among the cycles
+    rLog(rlZigzagAdd,       "    Boundary: %s", bdry.tostring(out).c_str());
     BColumn v;                // representation of the boundary in the cycle basis
     while (!bdry.empty())
@@ -55,7 +63,7 @@
     if (v.empty())
-        rLog(rlZigzagAdd,       "  Birth");
+        rLog(rlZigzagAdd,       "  Birth case in add");
         // Birth
         int order                   = z_list.empty() ? 0 : boost::prior(z_list.end())->order + 1;
@@ -77,7 +85,7 @@
         return std::make_pair(last_s, Death());
     } else
-        rLog(rlZigzagAdd,       "  Death");
+        rLog(rlZigzagAdd,       "  Death case in add");
         // Death
         unsigned order              = b_list.empty() ? 0 : boost::prior(b_list.end())->order + 1;
@@ -117,6 +125,9 @@
         AssertMsg(!(s->c_row.empty()),  "Birth after removal, row in C must be non-empty");
         // Birth
+        //show_all();
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "Birth case in remove");
         int order                   = z_list.empty() ? 0 : z_list.begin()->order - 1; 
         z_list.push_front(ZNode(order, birth, b_list.end()));
         ZIndex first_z              = z_list.begin();
@@ -124,22 +135,50 @@
         first_z->low                = b_list.end();
         // Prepend DC[j] = ZB[j] to Z
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "Computing the column DC[j] = ZB[j] to prepend to Z");
         BIndex j                    = s->c_row.front();
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "  j = %d", j->order);
         std::for_each(j->b_column.begin(), j->b_column.end(), make_adder(&ZNode::z_column, z));
         std::for_each(z.begin(),           z.end(),           make_appender(&SimplexNode::z_row, first_z));
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "  Prepended %d [%s]", first_z->order, z.tostring(out).c_str());
+        //AssertMsg(check_consistency(),  "Must be consistent after prepending DC[j] = ZB[j] to Z");
         // Prepend row of s in C to B
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "Prepending the row of s to B");
         first_z->b_row = s->c_row;      // copying instead of swapping is inefficient, 
                                         // but it simplifies logic when subtracting chains later
         std::for_each(first_z->b_row.begin(), first_z->b_row.end(), make_appender(&BNode::b_column, first_z));
+        //AssertMsg(check_consistency(),  "Must be consistent after prepending row of s to B");
+#if !NDEBUG
+        {
+            ZColumn zz;
+            std::for_each(j->b_column.begin(), j->b_column.end(), make_adder(&ZNode::z_column, zz));
+            AssertMsg(zz.empty(),       "ZB[j] must be 0 after we prepended the row of s in C to B");
+        }
         // Subtract C[j] from every column of C that contains s
-        add_chains(first_z->b_row.begin(), first_z->b_row.end(), j, &BNode::c_column, &SimplexNode::c_row);
+        AssertMsg(s->c_row == first_z->b_row,   "s->c_row == first_z->b_row before subtracting C[j]");
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "Subtracting C[j]=[%s] from every column of C that contains s=%d with row [%s]",
+                                    j->c_column.tostring(out).c_str(), 
+                                    s->order, s->c_row.tostring(out).c_str());
+        add_chains(first_z->b_row.rbegin(), first_z->b_row.rend(), j, &BNode::c_column, &SimplexNode::c_row);
+        AssertMsg(check_consistency(s_list.end(), z_list.begin(), b_list.end()),  "Must be consistent after subtracting C[j] in remove::birth");
         // Subtract B[j] from every other column of B that has l
         ZIndex l                    = j->b_column.back();
-        BRow   l_row                = l->b_row;     // again, copying is inefficient, but it simplifies the logic
-        add_chains(l_row.begin(), l_row.end(), j, &BNode::b_column, &ZNode::b_row);
+        BRow   l_row                = l->b_row;
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,    "Subtracting B[j], j is %d, l is %d, l_row: [%s]", 
+                                j->order, l->order, l_row.tostring(out).c_str());
+        typedef         std::not_equal_to<BIndex>       NotEqualBIndex;
+        add_chains(boost::make_filter_iterator(std::bind2nd(NotEqualBIndex(), j), l_row.rbegin(), l_row.rend()),
+                   boost::make_filter_iterator(std::bind2nd(NotEqualBIndex(), j), l_row.rend(),   l_row.rend()),
+                   j, &BNode::b_column, &ZNode::b_row);
+        j->b_column.back()->low = b_list.end();     // redundant since l will be deleted (here for check_consistency only)
+        add_chain(j, j, &BNode::b_column, &ZNode::b_row);
+        AssertMsg(check_consistency(s_list.end(), first_z, b_list.end()),  "Must be consistent after subtracting B[j] in remove::birth");
         // Drop j, l, and s
@@ -147,15 +186,20 @@
         // the basis is preserved because we added first_z
         l->z_column.back()->low     = z_list.end();
         std::for_each(l->z_column.begin(), l->z_column.end(), make_remover(&SimplexNode::z_row, l));
-        AssertMsg(l->b_row.empty(),     "b_row of l must be empty before erasing in add()");
-        AssertMsg(s->z_row.empty(),     "z_row of s must be empty before erasing in add()");
-        AssertMsg(s->c_row.empty(),     "c_row of s must be empty before erasing in add()");
+        //show_all();
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "l=%d has z_column: [%s]", l->order, l->z_column.tostring(out).c_str());
+        AssertMsg(l->b_row.empty(),     "b_row of l must be empty before erasing in remove::birth");
+        AssertMsg(s->z_row.empty(),     "z_row of s must be empty before erasing in remove::birth");
+        AssertMsg(s->c_row.empty(),     "c_row of s must be empty before erasing in remove::birth");
-        AssertMsg(check_consistency(),  "Must be consistent when done in add()");
+        AssertMsg(check_consistency(s_list.end(), first_z, b_list.end()),  "Must be consistent before reducing Z in remove::birth");
         // Reduce Z
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "Reducing Z");
         SimplexIndex ls = first_z->z_column.back();
         while(ls->low != first_z)
@@ -164,59 +208,96 @@
             // if ls->low precedes first_z, swap them
             if (cmp(ls->low, first_z))      std::swap(ls->low, first_z);
+            add_chain(first_z, ls->low, &ZNode::b_row, &BNode::b_column);
             add_chain(ls->low, first_z, &ZNode::z_column, &SimplexNode::z_row);
             std::swap(ls->low, first_z);
             ls = first_z->z_column.back();
+        AssertMsg(check_consistency(),  "Must be consistent at the end of birth case in remove");
         return Death();
     } else
         // Death
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "Death case in remove");
         ZIndex j                    = s->z_row.front();
         CRow c_row                  = s->c_row;
         // Subtract Z[j] from every chain in C that contains s
+        // (it's Ok to go in the forward order since we are subtracting a column in Z from C)
         add_chains(c_row.begin(), c_row.end(), j, &BNode::c_column, &SimplexNode::c_row, &ZNode::z_column);
+        AssertMsg(check_consistency(),  "Must be consistent after subtracting Z[j] from C");
-        /** 
-         * Change basis to remove s from Z 
-         * All the processing is done from back to front, so that when elements are removed from s->z_row, 
-         * it doesn't invalidate the rest of the elements (iterators) in the row.
-         */
+        // Change basis to remove s from Z 
         // Compute reducers --- columns that we will be adding to other columns
+        ZRow z_row                  = s->z_row;
         typedef typename ZRow::reverse_iterator             ZRowReverseIterator;
         typedef std::list<ZRowReverseIterator>              ReducersContainer;
         ReducersContainer  reducers;                        // list of ZColumns that we will be adding to other columns
-        reducers.push_back(boost::prior(s->z_row.rend()));  // j is the first reducer
+        reducers.push_back(boost::prior(z_row.rend()));     // j is the first reducer
+        AssertMsg(*(reducers.back()) == j,  "The first element of reducers should be j");
         SimplexIndex low            = j->z_column.back();
-        for (typename ZRow::iterator cur = s->z_row.begin(); cur != s->z_row.end(); ++cur)
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "   Added reducer %d [%s] with low=%d", 
+                                    j->order, j->z_column.tostring(out).c_str(),
+                                    low->order);
+        for (typename ZRow::iterator cur = z_row.begin(); cur != z_row.end(); ++cur)
             if (cmp((*cur)->z_column.back(), low))
-                reducers.push_back(ZRowReverseIterator(cur)); 
+                reducers.push_back(ZRowReverseIterator(boost::next(cur))); 
                 low = (*(reducers.back()))->z_column.back();
+                rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "   Added reducer %d [%s] with low=%d", 
+                                            (*cur)->order, (*cur)->z_column.tostring(out).c_str(),
+                                            low->order);
+                rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "   reducers.back(): %d [%s] with low=%d", 
+                                            (*(reducers.back()))->order,
+                                            (*(reducers.back()))->z_column.tostring(out).c_str(),
+                                            (*(reducers.back()))->z_column.back()->order);
-        reducers.push_back(s->z_row.rbegin());
-        //rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        "  Reducers size: %d", reducers.size());
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        " Reducers size: %d, s is %d", 
+                                    reducers.size(), s->order);
+        //show_all();
         // Add each reducer to the columns that follow them until the next reducer
-        for (typename ReducersContainer::reverse_iterator cur = boost::next(reducers.rbegin()); cur != reducers.rend(); ++cur)
+        typename ReducersContainer::reverse_iterator    cur     = reducers.rbegin();
+        ZRowReverseIterator                             zcur    = z_row.rbegin();
+        while (cur != reducers.rend())
-            change_basis(*boost::prior(cur), *cur, **cur, 
+            rLog(rlZigzagRemove,        " Cur reducer: %d [%s]", (**cur)->order,
+                                                                 (**cur)->z_column.tostring(out).c_str());
+            change_basis(zcur, *cur, **cur, 
                          &ZNode::z_column, &SimplexNode::z_row,
                          &ZNode::b_row,    &BNode::b_column);
-            (**cur)->z_column.back()->low = **boost::prior(cur);
+            if (cur != reducers.rbegin())
+            {
+                AssertMsg((*zcur)->z_column.back() == (**cur)->z_column.back(),
+                          "The back of the z_columns must be the same.");
+                (*zcur)->z_column.back()->low = *zcur;
+            }
+            else
+                (**cur)->z_column.back()->low = z_list.end();
+            zcur = *cur++;
+            // This makes it inconsistent until the next iteration of this update loop
         // Drop j and s
         BirthID birth               = j->birth;
+        if (j->z_column.back()->low == j)
+            j->z_column.back()->low = z_list.end();
         std::for_each(j->z_column.begin(), j->z_column.end(), make_remover(&SimplexNode::z_row, j));
+        rLog(rlZigzagRemove,            "j->b_row: [%s]", j->b_row.tostring(out).c_str());
         AssertMsg(j->b_row.empty(),     "b_row of j must be empty before erasing in remove()");
         AssertMsg(s->z_row.empty(),     "z_row of s must be empty before erasing in remove()");
         AssertMsg(s->c_row.empty(),     "c_row of s must be empty before erasing in remove()");
+        //show_all();
         AssertMsg(check_consistency(),  "Must be consistent when done in remove()");
         return Death(birth);
@@ -296,39 +377,105 @@
 template<class BID>
+check_consistency(SimplexIndex s_skip, ZIndex z_skip, BIndex b_skip)
+#if !NDEBUG
     for (SimplexIndex cur = s_list.begin(); cur != s_list.end(); ++cur)
+        if (cur == s_skip) continue;
+        //rLog(rlZigzagCheckConsistency,      "SimplexIndex cur: %d", cur->order);
         for (typename ZRow::const_iterator zcur = cur->z_row.begin(); zcur != cur->z_row.end(); ++zcur)
             if (std::find((*zcur)->z_column.begin(), (*zcur)->z_column.end(), cur) == (*zcur)->z_column.end())
+            {
+                rError("In check_consistency(): SimplexNode %d not found in z_column of %d", cur->order, (*zcur)->order);
                 return false;
+            }
         for (typename CRow::const_iterator ccur = cur->c_row.begin(); ccur != cur->c_row.end(); ++ccur)
             if (std::find((*ccur)->c_column.begin(), (*ccur)->c_column.end(), cur) == (*ccur)->c_column.end())
+            {
+                rError("In check_consistency(): SimplexNode %d not found in c_column of %d", cur->order, (*ccur)->order);
                 return false;
-        if (cur->low != z_list.end() && cur->low->z_column.back() != cur) return false;
+            }
+        if (cur->low != z_list.end())
+            AssertMsg(!(cur->low->z_column.empty()),        "z_column must not be empty");
+        if (cur->low != z_list.end() && cur->low->z_column.back() != cur) 
+        {
+            rError("low of SimplexNode %d is incorrect", cur->order);
+            return false;
+        }
     for (ZIndex cur = z_list.begin(); cur != z_list.end(); ++cur)
+        if (cur == z_skip) continue;
+        //rLog(rlZigzagCheckConsistency,      "ZIndex cur: %d", cur->order);
         for (typename ZColumn::const_iterator scur = cur->z_column.begin(); scur != cur->z_column.end(); ++scur)
             if (std::find((*scur)->z_row.begin(), (*scur)->z_row.end(), cur) == (*scur)->z_row.end())
+            {
+                rError("In check_consistency(): ZNode %d not found in z_row of %d", cur->order, (*scur)->order);
                 return false;
+            }
         for (typename BRow::const_iterator bcur = cur->b_row.begin(); bcur != cur->b_row.end(); ++bcur)
             if (std::find((*bcur)->b_column.begin(), (*bcur)->b_column.end(), cur) == (*bcur)->b_column.end())
+            {
+                rError("In check_consistency(): ZNode %d not found in b_column of %d", cur->order, (*bcur)->order);
                 return false;
-        if (cur->low != b_list.end() && cur->low->b_column.back() != cur) return false;
+            }
+        if (cur->low != b_list.end() && cur->low->b_column.back() != cur) 
+        {
+            rError("low of ZNode %d is incorrect", cur->order);
+            return false;
+        }
+        if (cur->z_column.back()->low != cur)
+        {
+            rError("The low of the back of the z_column must be set correctly");
+            rError("  %d [%s], its back %d with low=%d", cur->order,
+                                                         cur->z_column.tostring(out).c_str(),
+                                                         cur->z_column.back()->order,
+                                                         (cur->z_column.back()->low == z_list.end()) ? 0 : cur->z_column.back()->low->order);
+            return false;
+        }
     for (BIndex cur = b_list.begin(); cur != b_list.end(); ++cur)
+        if (cur == b_skip) continue;
+        //rLog(rlZigzagCheckConsistency,      "BIndex cur: %d", cur->order);
         for (typename BColumn::const_iterator zcur = cur->b_column.begin(); zcur != cur->b_column.end(); ++zcur)
             if (std::find((*zcur)->b_row.begin(), (*zcur)->b_row.end(), cur) == (*zcur)->b_row.end())
+            {
+                rError("In check_consistency(): BNode %d not found in b_row of %d", cur->order, (*zcur)->order);
                 return false;
+            }
         for (typename CColumn::const_iterator scur = cur->c_column.begin(); scur != cur->c_column.end(); ++scur)
             if (std::find((*scur)->c_row.begin(), (*scur)->c_row.end(), cur) == (*scur)->c_row.end())
+            {
+                rError("In check_consistency(): BNode %d not found in c_row of %d", cur->order, (*scur)->order);
                 return false;
+            }
+        if (!(cur->b_column.empty() || cur->b_column.back()->low == cur))
+        {
+            rError("The low of the back of the b_column must be set correctly");
+            return false;
+        }
+        // ZB == DC
+        ZColumn zb, dc;
+        std::for_each(cur->b_column.begin(), cur->b_column.end(), make_adder(&ZNode::z_column, zb));
+        std::for_each(cur->c_column.begin(), cur->c_column.end(), make_adder(&SimplexNode::boundary, dc));
+        zb.add(dc, cmp);
+        if (!zb.empty())
+        {
+            rError("   b_column: [%s]",    cur->b_column.tostring(out).c_str());
+            rError("   c_column: [%s]",    cur->c_column.tostring(out).c_str());
+            rError("   zb - dc:  [%s]",    zb.tostring(out).c_str());
+            rError("ZB = DC");
+            return false;
+        }
     return true;
@@ -455,6 +602,12 @@
 add_chain(IndexTo to, IndexFrom from, PrimaryMemberTo pmt, SecondaryMemberTo smt, PrimaryMemberFrom pmf)
+    rLog(rlZigzagAddChain,  "Adding %d [%s] to %d [%s]", 
+                            (*from).order, 
+                            ((*from).*pmf).tostring(out).c_str(),
+                            (*to).order,
+                            ((*to).*pmt).tostring(out).c_str());
     // Fix secondaries
     std::for_each(make_intersection_iterator(((*from).*pmf).begin(),  ((*from).*pmf).end(),
                                                ((*to).*pmt).begin(),    ((*to).*pmt).end(),
@@ -470,7 +623,8 @@
                                              ((*to).*pmt).end(),        ((*to).*pmt).end(),
                   make_appender(smt, to));
     // Add primaries
     ((*to).*pmt).add((*from).*pmf, cmp);
+    rLog(rlZigzagAddChain,  "Got %s", ((*to).*pmt).tostring(out).c_str());
--- a/include/utilities/containers.h	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/utilities/containers.h	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
 #ifndef __CONTAINERS_H__
 #define __CONTAINERS_H__
-#include <vector>
 #include "circular_list.h"
+    #include <debug/vector>
+    #include <debug/deque>
+    using std::__debug::vector;
+    using std::__debug::deque;
+    #include <vector>
+    #include <deque>
+    using std::vector;
+    using std::deque;
 // TODO: write documentation
 template<class Container_, class Comparison_ = std::less<typename Container_::value_type> >
@@ -45,6 +56,8 @@
         size_t          size(const Container& c) const                                      { return size_; }
         void            swap(SizeStorage& other)                                            { std::swap(size_, other.size_); }
+        void            clear()                                                             { size_ = 0; }
         size_t          size_;
@@ -73,10 +86,10 @@
 /* Specializations */
 template<class T, class Comparison_>
-struct ContainerTraits<std::vector<T>, Comparison_>
+struct ContainerTraits<vector<T>, Comparison_>
     typedef     T                                                                           Item;
-    typedef     std::vector<T>                                                              Container;
+    typedef     vector<T>                                                                   Container;
     typedef     typename Container::const_reference                                         const_reference;
     typedef     Comparison_                                                                 Comparison;
@@ -86,6 +99,19 @@
 template<class T, class Comparison_>
+struct ContainerTraits<deque<T>, Comparison_>
+    typedef     T                                                                           Item;
+    typedef     deque<T>                                                                    Container;
+    typedef     typename Container::const_reference                                         const_reference;
+    typedef     Comparison_                                                                 Comparison;
+    static void reserve(Container& c, size_t sz)                                            { }
+    static void sort(Container& c, const Comparison& cmp = Comparison())                    { std::sort(c.begin(), c.end(), cmp); }
+    static void push_front(Container& c, const_reference x)                                 { c.push_front(x); }
+template<class T, class Comparison_>
 struct ContainerTraits<List<T>, Comparison_>
     typedef     T                                                                           Item;
@@ -96,7 +122,7 @@
     static void reserve(Container& c, size_t sz)                                            { }
     static void sort(Container& c, const Comparison& cmp = Comparison())                    
-        std::vector<Item> tmp(c.begin(), c.end());
+        vector<Item> tmp(c.begin(), c.end());
         std::sort(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), cmp);
         std::copy(tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), c.begin());
@@ -106,12 +132,12 @@
 // TODO: specialize for List (singly-linked list)
 template<class T>
-class SizeStorage<std::vector<T> >
+class SizeStorage<vector<T> >
-        typedef         std::vector<T>                                                      Container;
+        typedef         vector<T>                                                           Container;
         typedef         SizeStorage<Container>                                              Self;
                         SizeStorage(size_t size = 0)                                        {}
         Self&           operator+=(size_t inc)                                              { return *this; }
@@ -122,6 +148,29 @@
         Self            operator--(int)                                                     { return *this; }
         size_t          size(const Container& c) const                                      { return c.size(); }
         void            swap(SizeStorage& other)                                            {}
+        void            clear()                                                             {}
+template<class T>
+class SizeStorage<deque<T> >
+    public:
+        typedef         deque<T>                                                            Container;
+        typedef         SizeStorage<Container>                                              Self;
+                        SizeStorage(size_t size = 0)                                        {}
+        Self&           operator+=(size_t inc)                                              { return *this; }
+        Self&           operator-=(size_t dec)                                              { return *this; }
+        Self&           operator++()                                                        { return *this; }
+        Self            operator++(int)                                                     { return *this; }
+        Self&           operator--()                                                        { return *this; }
+        Self            operator--(int)                                                     { return *this; }
+        size_t          size(const Container& c) const                                      { return c.size(); }
+        void            swap(SizeStorage& other)                                            {}
+        void            clear()                                                             {}
 #endif // __CONTAINERS_H__
--- a/include/utilities/counter.h	Fri Jan 02 14:54:15 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/utilities/counter.h	Mon Jan 12 15:33:04 2009 -0800
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
     #define     Count(x)
     #define     CountNum(x,y)
     #define     CountBy(x,y)
+    #define     CountNumBy(x,y,z)
     #define     SetFrequency(x, freq)
     #define     SetTrigger(x, y)
 #else // COUNTERS
@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@
     #define     Count(x)                    do { x->count++; if ((x->count % x->frequency == 0)) x->trigger->print(); } while (0)
     #define     CountNum(x,y)               do { x->subcount[y]++; } while (0)
     #define     CountBy(x,y)                do { x->count += y; } while (0)
+    #define     CountNumBy(x,y,z)           do { x->subcount[y] += z; } while (0)
     #define     SetFrequency(x, freq)       do { x->frequency = freq; } while (0)
     #define     SetTrigger(x, y)            do { x->trigger = y; } while(0)