Instrumented code for counting: dev
authorDmitriy Morozov <>
Sat, 28 Nov 2009 16:45:42 -0800
changeset 174 3f1034dca432
parent 173 5fd3f43e6fbf
child 175 6a649c2bea0e
Instrumented code for counting: * added counters to addition in cohomology and ChainWrapper * rips-pairwise-cohomology counts the maximum elements stored in the cycles * added alphashapes3d-cohomology * moved progress_display from DynamicPersistence to StaticPersistence
--- a/examples/alphashapes/CMakeLists.txt	Fri Nov 06 14:19:08 2009 -0800
+++ b/examples/alphashapes/CMakeLists.txt	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 if                              (CGAL_FOUND)
     set                         (targets                        alphashapes3d
+                                                                alphashapes3d-cohomology
     add_definitions             (${CGAL_CXX_FLAGS_INIT})
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/examples/alphashapes/alphashapes3d-cohomology.cpp	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#include "alphashapes3d.h"
+#include "../cohomology/wrappers.h"
+#include <topology/cohomology-persistence.h>
+#include <utilities/log.h>
+#include <utilities/timer.h>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <boost/program_options.hpp>
+#include <boost/progress.hpp>
+#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
+typedef     boost::tuple<Dimension, RealType>                       BirthInfo;
+typedef     CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo>                        Persistence;
+typedef     Persistence::SimplexIndex                               Index;
+typedef     Persistence::Death                                      Death;
+namespace po = boost::program_options;
+int main(int argc, char** argv) 
+#ifdef LOGGING
+    rlog::RLogInit(argc, argv);
+    stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("info") );
+    stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("error") );
+    //stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("topology/persistence") );
+    //stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("topology/chain") );
+    std::string     infilename, outfilename;
+    po::options_description hidden("Hidden options");
+    hidden.add_options()
+        ("input-file",   po::value<std::string>(&infilename),     "Point set whose alpha shape filtration and persistence we want to compute")
+        ("output-file",  po::value<std::string>(&outfilename),    "Where to write the collection of persistence diagrams");
+    po::positional_options_description pos;
+    pos.add("input-file", 1);
+    pos.add("output-file", 2);
+    po::options_description all; all.add(hidden);
+    po::variables_map vm;
+    po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).
+                  options(all).positional(pos).run(), vm);
+    po::notify(vm);
+    if (!vm.count("input-file") || !vm.count("output-file"))
+    { 
+        std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " input-file output-file" << std::endl;
+        // std::cout << hidden << std::endl; 
+        return 1; 
+    }
+    std::ofstream   diagram_out(outfilename.c_str());
+    Timer total_timer; total_timer.start();
+    // Read in the point set and compute its Delaunay triangulation
+    std::ifstream in(infilename.c_str());
+    double x,y,z;
+    Delaunay3D Dt;
+    while(in)
+    {
+        in >> x >> y >> z;
+        Point p(x,y,z);
+        Dt.insert(p);
+    }
+    rInfo("Delaunay triangulation computed");
+    // Set up the alpha shape filtration
+    AlphaSimplex3DVector complex;
+    fill_complex(Dt, complex);
+    rInfo("Simplices: %d", complex.size());
+    std::sort(complex.begin(), complex.end(), AlphaSimplex3D::AlphaOrder());
+    Timer persistence_timer; persistence_timer.start();
+    std::map<AlphaSimplex3D, Index, AlphaSimplex3D::VertexComparison>       complex_map;
+    Persistence             p;
+    boost::progress_display show_progress(complex.size());
+    #ifdef COUNTERS
+    Counter::CounterType    max_element_count = 0;
+    #endif
+    for(AlphaSimplex3DVector::const_iterator cur = complex.begin(); cur != complex.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        const AlphaSimplex3D& s = *cur;
+        std::vector<Index>      boundary;
+        for (AlphaSimplex3D::BoundaryIterator bcur  = s.boundary_begin(); bcur != s.boundary_end(); ++bcur)
+            boundary.push_back(complex_map[*bcur]);
+        Index idx; Death d;
+        bool store = s.dimension() < 3;
+        boost::tie(idx, d)      = p.add(boundary.begin(), boundary.end(), boost::make_tuple(s.dimension(), s.value()), store);
+        // c[*cur] = idx;
+        if (store)
+            complex_map[s] = idx;
+        if (d && (s.value() - d->get<1>()) > 0)
+        {
+            AssertMsg(d->get<0>() == s.dimension() - 1, "Dimensions must match");
+            diagram_out << (s.dimension() - 1) << " " << d->get<1>() << " " << s.value() << std::endl;
+        }
+        ++show_progress;
+        #ifdef COUNTERS
+        max_element_count = std::max(max_element_count, cCohomologyElementCount->count);
+        #endif
+    }
+    // output infinte persistence pairs 
+    for (Persistence::CocycleIndex cur = p.begin(); cur != p.end(); ++cur)
+        diagram_out << cur->birth.get<0>() << " " << cur->birth.get<1>() << " inf" << std::endl;
+    persistence_timer.stop();
+    total_timer.stop();
+    persistence_timer.check("Persistence timer");
+    total_timer.check("Total timer");
+    #ifdef COUNTERS
+    std::cout << "Max element count: " << max_element_count << std::endl;
+    #endif
--- a/examples/alphashapes/alphashapes3d.cpp	Fri Nov 06 14:19:08 2009 -0800
+++ b/examples/alphashapes/alphashapes3d.cpp	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
     //stdoutLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL("topology/chain") );
-    SetFrequency(GetCounter("persistence/pair"), 10000);
-    SetTrigger(GetCounter("persistence/pair"), GetCounter(""));
+    // SetFrequency(GetCounter("persistence/pair"), 10000);
+    // SetTrigger(GetCounter("persistence/pair"), GetCounter(""));
     std::string     infilename, outfilename;
--- a/examples/cohomology/rips-pairwise-cohomology.cpp	Fri Nov 06 14:19:08 2009 -0800
+++ b/examples/cohomology/rips-pairwise-cohomology.cpp	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
 #include <utilities/property-maps.h>
 #include <utilities/timer.h>
 #include <utilities/log.h>
+#include <utilities/counter.h>
+#include <utilities/memory.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
 #include <string>
@@ -90,6 +95,19 @@
     ZpField                 zp(prime);
     Persistence             p(zp);
     boost::progress_display show_progress(v.size());
+    #ifdef COUNTERS
+    Counter::CounterType    max_element_count = 0;
+    unsigned                max_memory = 0;
+    long                    max_rss = 0;
+    long                    max_ixrss = 0;
+    long                    max_idrss = 0;
+    long                    max_isrss = 0;
+    int                     max_uordblks = 0;
+    int                     max_fordblks = 0;
+    #endif
     for (unsigned j = 0; j < index_in_v.size(); ++j)
         SimplexVector::const_iterator cur = v.begin() + index_in_v[j];
@@ -111,6 +129,22 @@
             diagram_out << (cur->dimension() - 1) << " " << d->get<1>() << " " << size(*cur) << std::endl;
+        #ifdef COUNTERS
+        max_element_count = std::max(max_element_count, cCohomologyElementCount->count);
+        // max_memory = std::max(max_memory, report_memory());
+        // struct rusage usage;
+        // getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &usage);
+        // max_rss = std::max(max_rss, usage.ru_maxrss);
+        // max_ixrss = std::max(max_ixrss, usage.ru_ixrss);
+        // max_idrss = std::max(max_idrss, usage.ru_idrss);
+        // max_isrss = std::max(max_isrss, usage.ru_isrss);
+        // struct mallinfo info = mallinfo();
+        // max_uordblks = std::max(max_uordblks, info.uordblks);
+        // max_fordblks = std::max(max_fordblks, info.fordblks);
+        #endif
     // output infinte persistence pairs 
     for (Persistence::CocycleIndex cur = p.begin(); cur != p.end(); ++cur)
@@ -120,18 +154,28 @@
     // p.show_cocycles();
     // Output alive cocycles of dimension 1
-    unsigned i = 0;
-    for (Persistence::Cocycles::const_iterator cur = p.begin(); cur != p.end(); ++cur)
+    if (!cocycle_prefix.empty())
-        if (cur->birth.get<0>() != 1) continue;
-        output_cocycle(cocycle_prefix, i, v, *cur, prime);
-        // std::cout << "Cocycle of dimension: " << cur->birth.get<0>() << " born at " << cur->birth.get<1>() << std::endl;
-        ++i;
+        unsigned i = 0;
+        for (Persistence::Cocycles::const_iterator cur = p.begin(); cur != p.end(); ++cur)
+        {
+            if (cur->birth.get<0>() != 1) continue;
+            output_cocycle(cocycle_prefix, i, v, *cur, prime);
+            // std::cout << "Cocycle of dimension: " << cur->birth.get<0>() << " born at " << cur->birth.get<1>() << std::endl;
+            ++i;
+        }
     rips_timer.check("Rips timer");
     persistence_timer.check("Persistence timer");
     total_timer.check("Total timer");
+    #ifdef COUNTERS
+    std::cout << "Max element count: " << max_element_count << std::endl;
+    // std::cout << "Max memory use: " << max_memory << " kB" << std::endl;
+    // std::cout << "Max RSS: " << max_rss << " " << max_ixrss << " " << max_idrss << " " << max_isrss << std::endl;
+    // std::cout << "Max Blks: " << max_uordblks << " " << max_fordblks << std::endl;
+    #endif
 void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance, ZpField::Element& prime, std::string& boundary_name, std::string& cocycle_prefix, std::string& vertices_name, std::string& diagram_name)
--- a/examples/rips/rips-pairwise.cpp	Fri Nov 06 14:19:08 2009 -0800
+++ b/examples/rips/rips-pairwise.cpp	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -23,19 +23,21 @@
 typedef         Generator::Simplex                                      Smplx;
 typedef         std::vector<Smplx>                                      SimplexVector;
 typedef         Filtration<SimplexVector, unsigned>                     Fltr;
-//typedef         StaticPersistence<>                                     Persistence;
-typedef         DynamicPersistenceChains<>                              Persistence;
+typedef         StaticPersistence<>                                     Persistence;
+// typedef         DynamicPersistenceChains<>                              Persistence;
 typedef         PersistenceDiagram<>                                    PDgm;
-void            program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance);
+void            program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance, std::string& diagram_name);
 int main(int argc, char* argv[])
     Dimension               skeleton;
     DistanceType            max_distance;
-    std::string             infilename;
+    std::string             infilename, diagram_name;
-    program_options(argc, argv, infilename, skeleton, max_distance);
+    program_options(argc, argv, infilename, skeleton, max_distance, diagram_name);
+    std::ofstream           diagram_out(diagram_name.c_str());
+    std::cout << "Diagram:         " << diagram_name << std::endl;
     PointContainer          points;
     read_points(infilename, points);
@@ -48,7 +50,7 @@
     // Generate 2-skeleton of the Rips complex for epsilon = 50
     rips.generate(skeleton, max_distance, make_push_back_functor(complex));
     std::sort(complex.begin(), complex.end(), Smplx::VertexComparison());       // unnecessary
-    std::cout << "# Generated complex of size: " << complex.size() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "Generated complex of size: " << complex.size() << std::endl;
     // Generate filtration with respect to distance and compute its persistence
     Fltr f(complex.begin(), complex.end(), Generator::Comparison(distances));
@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@
             // if (b.dimension() != 1) continue;
             // std::cout << "Pair: (" << size(b) << ", " << size(d) << ")" << std::endl;
             if (b.dimension() >= skeleton) continue;
-            std::cout << b.dimension() << " " << size(b) << " " << size(d) << std::endl;
+            diagram_out << b.dimension() << " " << size(b) << " " << size(d) << std::endl;
         } else if (cur->pair == cur)    // positive could be unpaired
             const Smplx& b = f.simplex(f.begin() + (cur - p.begin()));
@@ -82,7 +84,7 @@
             // std::cout << "Unpaired birth: " << size(b) << std::endl;
             // cycle = cur->chain;
             if (b.dimension() >= skeleton) continue;
-            std::cout << b.dimension() << " " << size(b) << " inf" << std::endl;
+            diagram_out << b.dimension() << " " << size(b) << " inf" << std::endl;
         // Iterate over the cycle
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@
     persistence_timer.check("# Persistence timer");
-void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance)
+void        program_options(int argc, char* argv[], std::string& infilename, Dimension& skeleton, DistanceType& max_distance, std::string& diagram_name)
     namespace po = boost::program_options;
@@ -112,7 +114,13 @@
         ("help,h",                                                                                  "produce help message")
         ("skeleton-dimsnion,s", po::value<Dimension>(&skeleton)->default_value(2),                  "Dimension of the Rips complex we want to compute")
-        ("max-distance,m",      po::value<DistanceType>(&max_distance)->default_value(Infinity),    "Maximum value for the Rips complex construction");
+        ("max-distance,m",      po::value<DistanceType>(&max_distance)->default_value(Infinity),    "Maximum value for the Rips complex construction")
+        ("diagram,d",           po::value<std::string>(&diagram_name),                              "Filename where to output the persistence diagram");
+    std::vector<std::string>    log_channels;
+    visible.add_options()
+        ("log,l",               po::value< std::vector<std::string> >(&log_channels),           "log channels to turn on (info, debug, etc)");
     po::positional_options_description pos;
     pos.add("input-file", 1);
@@ -124,6 +132,11 @@
                   options(all).positional(pos).run(), vm);
+    for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator cur = log_channels.begin(); cur != log_channels.end(); ++cur)
+        stderrLog.subscribeTo( RLOG_CHANNEL(cur->c_str()) );
     if (vm.count("help") || !vm.count("input-file"))
         std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [options] input-file" << std::endl;
--- a/include/topology/chain.hpp	Fri Nov 06 14:19:08 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/chain.hpp	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -141,6 +141,8 @@
     CountingBackInserter<ChainRepresentation> bi(tmp);
     std::set_symmetric_difference(begin(), end(), c.begin(), c.end(), bi, cmp);
+    CountBy(cChainAddBasic, size() + c.size() - (size() + c.size() - tmp.size())/2);
--- a/include/topology/cohomology-persistence.hpp	Fri Nov 06 14:19:08 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/cohomology-persistence.hpp	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 #include <utilities/log.h>
 #include <utilities/indirect.h>
+#include <utilities/counter.h>
 #include <boost/iterator/transform_iterator.hpp>
 #include <boost/iterator/counting_iterator.hpp>
@@ -18,6 +19,12 @@
 static rlog::RLogChannel* rlCohomology =                DEF_CHANNEL("topology/cohomology",        rlog::Log_Debug);
+#ifdef COUNTERS
+static Counter*  cCohomologyAddBasic =                  GetCounter("cohomology/add/basic");
+static Counter*  cCohomologyAddComparison =             GetCounter("cohomology/add/comparison");
+static Counter*  cCohomologyElementCount =              GetCounter("cohomology/elements");
+#endif // COUNTERS
 template<class BirthInfo, class SimplexData, class Field>
 class CohomologyPersistence<BirthInfo, SimplexData, Field>::CompareSNode
@@ -67,7 +74,7 @@
         FieldElement coefficient = field_.init(*coefficient_iter++);
         SimplexIndex cursi = *cur;
-        rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d %d", cursi->order, sign);
+        rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d %d", cursi->order, coefficient);
         BOOST_FOREACH(const SNode& zcur, std::make_pair(cursi->row.begin(), cursi->row.end()))
             candidates_bulk.push_back(std::make_pair(, field_.mul(coefficient, zcur.coefficient)));
@@ -140,6 +147,8 @@
         cocycle.push_back(SNode(si,, nw));
         rLog(rlCohomology,  "  Cocyle: %d", si->order);
+        Count(cCohomologyElementCount);
         return std::make_pair(si, Death());
@@ -166,11 +175,16 @@
     // add z to everything else in candidates
     for (typename Candidates::iterator cur  = boost::next(candidates.begin()); 
                                        cur != candidates.end(); ++cur)
+    {
+        CountBy(cCohomologyElementCount, -cur->first->zcolumn.size());
         add_cocycle(*cur, z);
+        CountBy(cCohomologyElementCount, cur->first->zcolumn.size());
+    }
     for (typename ZColumn::iterator cur = z.first->zcolumn.begin(); cur != z.first->zcolumn.end(); ++cur)
+    CountBy(cCohomologyElementCount, -z.first->zcolumn.size());
     return std::make_pair(si, d);
@@ -208,6 +222,8 @@
     while (tcur != to.first->zcolumn.end() && fcur != from.first->zcolumn.end())
         rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d %d", tcur->si->order, fcur->si->order);
+        Count(cCohomologyAddComparison);
+        Count(cCohomologyAddBasic);
         if (cmp(*tcur, *fcur))
@@ -230,11 +246,13 @@
     for (; tcur != to.first->zcolumn.end(); ++tcur)
         rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d", tcur->si->order);
+        Count(cCohomologyAddBasic);
     for (; fcur != from.first->zcolumn.end(); ++fcur)
         rLog(rlCohomology, "  %d", fcur->si->order);
+        Count(cCohomologyAddBasic);
         nw.push_back(SNode(fcur->si, field_.mul(multiplier, fcur->coefficient), ci));
--- a/include/topology/dynamic-persistence.h	Fri Nov 06 14:19:08 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/dynamic-persistence.h	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@
 #include "static-persistence.h"
 #include <utilities/types.h>
-#include <boost/progress.hpp>
 #ifdef COUNTERS
 static Counter*  cTrailLength =             GetCounter("persistence/pair/traillength");     // the size of matrix U in RU decomposition
 static Counter*  cChainLength =             GetCounter("persistence/pair/chainlength");     // the size of matrix V in R=DV decomposition
@@ -274,17 +272,14 @@
             // TODO: this is specialized for std::vector
                                         PairingChainsVisitor(OrderIndex bg, ConsistencyComparison ccmp, unsigned size): 
-                                            bg_(bg), ccmp_(ccmp), show_progress(size)   {}
+                                            Parent::PairVisitor(size), bg_(bg), ccmp_(ccmp)     {}
             void                        init(OrderIndex i) const                        { i->consistency = i - bg_; i->chain.append(i, ccmp_); }
             void                        update(OrderIndex j, OrderIndex i) const        { j->chain.add(i->pair->chain, ccmp_); }
-            void                        finished(OrderIndex i) const                    { CountBy(cChainLength, i->chain.size()); ++show_progress; }
+            void                        finished(OrderIndex i) const                    { Parent::PairVisitor::finished(i); CountBy(cChainLength, i->chain.size()); }
             OrderIndex                  bg_;
             ConsistencyComparison       ccmp_;
-            mutable boost::progress_display     
-                                        show_progress;
         ConsistencyComparison           ccmp_;
--- a/include/topology/static-persistence.h	Fri Nov 06 14:19:08 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/topology/static-persistence.h	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
 #include <utilities/types.h>
+#include <boost/progress.hpp>
 template<class Data_, class ChainTraits_, class ContainerTraits_, class Element_ = use_default> 
 struct PairCycleData: public Data_
@@ -80,7 +82,7 @@
         // Function: pair_simplices()                                        
         // Compute persistence of the filtration
-        void                            pair_simplices()                                        { pair_simplices<PairVisitor>(begin(), end()); }
+        void                            pair_simplices()                                        { pair_simplices<PairVisitor>(begin(), end(), PairVisitor(size())); }
         // Functions: Accessors
         //   begin() -              returns OrderIndex of the first element
@@ -101,6 +103,7 @@
         // Acts as an archetype and if necessary a base class for visitors passed to <pair_simplices(bg, end, visitor)>.
         struct                          PairVisitor
+                                        PairVisitor(unsigned size): show_progress(size)         {}
             // Function: init(i)
             // Called after OrderElement pointed to by `i` has been initialized 
             // (its cycle is set to be its boundary, and pair is set to self, i.e. `i`)
@@ -114,7 +117,10 @@
             // Function: finished(j)
             // Called after the processing of `j` is finished.
-            void                        finished(OrderIndex j) const                            {}
+            void                        finished(OrderIndex j) const                            { ++show_progress; }
+            mutable boost::progress_display     
+                                        show_progress;
         const Order&                    order() const                                           { return order_; }
--- a/include/utilities/counter.h	Fri Nov 06 14:19:08 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/utilities/counter.h	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
     #define     CountNumBy(x,y,z)
     #define     SetFrequency(x, freq)
     #define     SetTrigger(x, y)
+    #define     Print(x)
 #else // COUNTERS
     #define     GetCounter(path)            get_counter(path)
     #define     Count(x)                    do { x->count++; if ((x->count % x->frequency == 0)) x->trigger->print(); } while (0)
@@ -23,6 +24,7 @@
     #define     CountNumBy(x,y,z)           do { x->subcount[y] += z; } while (0)
     #define     SetFrequency(x, freq)       do { x->frequency = freq; } while (0)
     #define     SetTrigger(x, y)            do { x->trigger = y; } while(0)
+    #define     Print(x)                    do { x->trigger->print(); } while(0)
 #include <map>
--- a/include/utilities/memory.h	Fri Nov 06 14:19:08 2009 -0800
+++ b/include/utilities/memory.h	Sat Nov 28 16:45:42 2009 -0800
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 static rlog::RLogChannel* rlMemory =                   DEF_CHANNEL("memory",    rlog::Log_Debug);
-void    report_memory()
+unsigned    report_memory()
     pid_t pid = getpid();
     std::stringstream smaps_name;
@@ -30,11 +30,13 @@
     rLog(rlMemory, "Private memory usage: %d kB", memory);
+    return memory;
-void report_memory() {}
+unsigned report_memory() { return 0; }
 #endif // LOGGING