Added documentation for the python classes Point and PersistenceDiagram. Removed the __sub__ method for PersistenceDiagram. Minor renaming. dev
authorAravindakshan Babu <>
Tue, 17 Aug 2010 22:19:19 -0700
changeset 219 5311343eb2f5
parent 218 4f70a473e34b
child 220 d07d77561661
Added documentation for the python classes Point and PersistenceDiagram. Removed the __sub__ method for PersistenceDiagram. Minor renaming. Renamed BottleneckDistance to bottleneck_distance. Renamed intervals iterator for PersistenceDiagram to points. Seems in better conformance with usage.
--- a/bindings/python/dionysus/	Wed Aug 11 17:07:09 2010 -0700
+++ b/bindings/python/dionysus/	Tue Aug 17 22:19:19 2010 -0700
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     # self.intervals is an iterator object,
     # whose next method returns a Point object
-    for intv in self.intervals:
+    for intv in self.points:
         yield [ x for x in intv ]
 PersistenceDiagram.__iter__ = persistence_diagram_iterator
--- a/bindings/python/persistence-diagram.cpp	Wed Aug 11 17:07:09 2010 -0700
+++ b/bindings/python/persistence-diagram.cpp	Tue Aug 17 22:19:19 2010 -0700
@@ -85,12 +85,11 @@
     .def( "__init__", bp::make_constructor(  &init_from_points_sequence< dp::PersistenceDiagramD, dp::PointD > ) )
     .def( bp::init< Dimension >( ) )
     .def( "append", &dp::PersistenceDiagramD::push_back )
-    .add_property( "intervals", bp::range( &dp::PersistenceDiagramD::begin, &dp::PersistenceDiagramD::end ) )
+    .add_property( "points", bp::range( &dp::PersistenceDiagramD::begin, &dp::PersistenceDiagramD::end ) )
     .add_property( "dimension", &get_dimension<dp::PersistenceDiagramD> )
     .def( repr(bp::self) )
-    .def( "__sub__", &bottleneck_distance<dp::PersistenceDiagramD,dp::PersistenceDiagramD> )
     .def( "__len__", &get_length<dp::PersistenceDiagramD> )
-    bp::def( "BottleneckDistance", bottleneck_distance<dp::PersistenceDiagramD,dp::PersistenceDiagramD> );
+    bp::def( "bottleneck_distance", bottleneck_distance<dp::PersistenceDiagramD,dp::PersistenceDiagramD> );
--- a/doc/python/overview.rst	Wed Aug 11 17:07:09 2010 -0700
+++ b/doc/python/overview.rst	Tue Aug 17 22:19:19 2010 -0700
@@ -21,3 +21,5 @@
+    point.rst
+    persistence-diagram.rst
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/python/persistence-diagram.rst	Tue Aug 17 22:19:19 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+:class:`PersistenceDiagram` class
+.. class:: PersistenceDiagram
+    .. method:: __init__( point_seq )
+        Initializes :class:`PersistenceDiagram` from the given sequence `seq` of `Point` objects, e.g.::
+            dia = PersistenceDiagram( [Point(1,2)] )
+    .. method:: __init__( dimension )
+        Initializes : an empty( no points ) :class:`PersistenceDiagram` object and sets
+        the :attr:`~PersistenceDiagram.dimension` attribute( must be integer ) e.g.::
+            dia = PersistenceDiagram( 1 )
+    .. method:: append( p )
+        Adds point `p` to the persistence diagram.
+    .. attribute:: dimension
+        Dimension of the persistence diagram. Must be an integer. Must be set at initialization.
+    .. attribute:: points
+        Iterator over the points in the persistence diagram,
+        e.g.::
+            for p in dia.points: print p
+    .. method:: __len__( )
+        :returns: The number of points in the diagram.
+    .. method:: __iter__( )
+        Provides another way to access the :attr:`~PersistenceDiagram.points` iterator, e.g.::
+            for p in dia: print p
+Utility functions for persistence diagrams
+.. function:: bottleneck_distance(dia1, dia2)
+    Calculates the bottleneck distance between the two persistence diagrams. 
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/doc/python/point.rst	Tue Aug 17 22:19:19 2010 -0700
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+:class:`Point` class
+.. class:: Point
+    .. method:: __init__( x, y [, data])
+        Initializes :class:`Point` with the given real-valued coordinates and
+        optionally real value `data`, e.g.::
+            s = Point( 1, 1.1, 1.11 )
+    .. attribute:: x
+        x coordinate of the point
+    .. attribute:: y
+        y coordinate of the point
+    .. attribute:: data
+        Real value stored in the simplex.
+    .. method:: __iter__( )
+        Point objects are iterable, returning two or three elements depending on presence of data, e.g.::
+            p = Point( 1, 1.1, 1.11 )
+            for i in p:  print p
+            1
+            1.1
+            1.11